Custom Workout Programs & Online Coaching From PhyQ

What separates us from other coaching and wellness programs? We truly believe no wellness journey can be complete without an emphasis on intentional movement. Sam is our expert exercise specialist who can write workouts to meet any specification. Not sure that you are ready to invest in a personalized program? Schedule a free 20-minute consult with us!

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Online Workout Coaching Plans

Mobility Coaching

$65 /Monthly
  • Mobility coaching with Sam
  • Enhance specific areas for improved function
  • Maintain movement symmetry and balance
  • Support for injury prevention/rehab
  • Mobility work integration tips

Workout Coaching with Mobility

$190 /Monthly
  • Customized workout coaching with mobility
  • Tailored mobility protocol included
  • Custom workouts for your goals and schedule
  • Weekly check-ins for progress monitoring
  • Feedback on video form submissions
  • Flexible adjustments based on progress

Workout Programs

One-time Service

"Try It" Workout Program

$80 /program
  • Access to new PhyQ training plans
  • One week of workouts consisting of 4-6 routines
  • Repeat the workouts throughout the month
  • Experience PhyQ's style without a full commitment
One-time Service

Custom Workout Program without Mobility

$130 /program
  • Customized workouts without mobility training
  • One-time transaction for convenience
  • Tailored workout for your goals and schedule
One-time Service

Custom Workout Program with Mobility

$175 /program
  • Personalized workout program
  • One-time purchase for accessibility
  • Customized set of workouts provided
  • Tailored mobility protocol included
  • Goals, restrictions and experience level considered

Not sure what you need? Schedule a 20-minute, FREE CONSULT!

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