Wellness Services From PhyQ

Are personalized supplementation regimens and in-depth lab analysis required for your wellness? Not necessarily, but they certainly are a valuable tool in your wellness toolkit. Our customized supplementation services provide tailored regimens to complement your individual health goals for anyone - even if they are not a current Phy Q client. Our labwork ordering and interpretations provide invaluable insights into your body's unique biomarkers, allowing us to identify potential imbalances or deficiencies hindering your progress. By combining these services with our other wellness programs, we can create a holistic strategy to achieve optimal health and vitality.

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Our Full Body Wellness Service Options

One-time Service

Individual Bloodwork Analysis

$50 /program
  • Bloodwork or complementary lab kits ordered to any Labcorp location (or sent to your home)
  • Interpretation email with your results 
  • Recommendations for additional testing 
  • Optional Zoom sessions to discuss results
One-time Service

Customized Supplementation Protocol

$135 /program
  • Science-backed supplement recommendations
  • Personalized guidance tailored to health goals
  • Precise supplementation advice based on lab results
  • Strategies to optimize overall health

Not sure what you need? Schedule a 20-minute, FREE CONSULT!

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